Monday, March 19, 2012

REPORT - "A Casino...?"

This guy has way too much time on his hands. I should be posting this to TOO MUCH SPARE TIME, but it was too cool, so I posted it early. Also, if someone could please tell me - I think the carpet in the subway, the glass doors, and some other things are part of a mod. However, confirmation would be nice - so don't hold me to my word at this time. Thanks!

"Click Here!" to watch the video.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

REPORT - "Furniture Ideas"

This is NOT the same guy/company that posted yesterday's video, and this one has been on the internet for much longer. It is NOT in a playlist as the one shown yesterday, so be sure to check it out if you have some cool buildings and need some interior decorating tips. This is a modern living room, and personally, I think it is impressive...MOST impressive...

"Click Here!" to watch the video.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

REPORT - "A Music Video"

There was a posted video that came out on youtube Thursday 2-16-2011, and the integration between the music of a whole 'nother deal and minecraft gets you a really cool video with a basic overview of most of the elements of some things you can craft.

"Click Here!" to watch the video.